
Terra X: Nikola Tesla

Magician of electricity

Nikola Tesla? The car manufacturer? No! Nikola Tesla: the magician of electricity! In this Terra X documentary, we tell the story of a unique inventor who moved from Europe to the USA to change the world. His alternating current motor paved the way for today’s electricity grid. His ideas were the basis for remote controls and microwaves. And without Nikola Tesla, the radio would probably not have been invented until much later. However, his vision of “free energy” failed and by the end of his days he was only considered an inspiration for science fiction writers. And yet his legacy remains omnipresent. Because without Nikola Tesla, our world would certainly look different today.


WRITER & DIRECTOR: Martin Becker     CAMERA: Adnane Korchyou, Zoran Drakulic     EDITOR: Marie Wilbers     SOUND: Moritz Herberg  NARRATOR: Simon Roden     MUSIC: Markus Lehmann-Horn    COMMISSIONING EDITOR: Friederike Haedecke (ZDF), Sebastian Nuss (ZDF)