

Lesch meets Schwartz

Episode 3: Alone or together?

What are the advantages of community? How unhealthy is loneliness? What does it take for us as a society to generate the necessary kit to think and act in solidarity? Rifts are opening up everywhere, our dividing society is separating itself into ever more narrowly defined groups. Yet human history and evolutionary theory show that cooperation is the be-all and end-all of a functioning and living society. How do we succeed in strengthening these abilities and closing divides?
On All Saints Day, the natural scientist Harald Lesch and the theologian Thomas Schwartz will discuss under the motto “Alone or Together?” how we as a society can come through the current and future crises and challenges strengthened and healthy.

CONZEPT & REALIZATION: Stefan Schneider     CAMERA: Dominik Moos, Dennis Mill     EDITOR: Andreas Wüstefeld     SOUND: Moritz Minhöfer     MUSIC: Ritchie Staringer     GRAPHICS: Alexandra Hamann     COMMISSIONING EDITOR: Harald Hamm (ZDF) Ulrich Fischer (Katholische Fernseharbeit)