

With Pelzig on the Bench

Episode 1: F***cking Money – I’m getting rich!

In these uncertain times, Erwin Pelzig finally wants to get his hands on the meat pots. His declared goal is to become rich, preferably really damn rich. So at least find out how to do it!
To do this, he interviews people on the street, self-proclaimed money coaches, a U.S. stock market expert and, of course, the super-rich themselves. They all agree: no one gets rich by working anymore, he should have entered the stock market earlier, winning the lottery is highly unlikely and Pelzig’s chances of marrying rich are, well, you’d like to advise him to play the lottery after all…


WRITER: Frank-Markus Barwasser, Eva Schötteldreier     DIRECTOR: Eva Schötteldreier      CAMERA: Torbjörn Karvang, Adnane Korchyou, Achim Seck     EDITOR: Marie Wilbers SOUND: Tim Pattberg, Matthias Kreitschmann, Moritz Herberg, Holger Jung     COMMISSIONING EDITOR: Wolfgang Aull (3sat)