

Women Who Made History

Episode 2: Joan of Arc and the fight for freedom

France was on its knees, the English controlled large parts of the empire. The country’s male leaders proved incapable of defending their country. Then a peasant girl from the French provinces appeared on the scene. Convinced of the divine nature of her mission, she seized the sword and dedicated herself to the fight “for France, the Christian faith and the King”. The “Maid of Orléans” humiliated men with her victories and eventually also became a thorn in the side of the rulers.


WRITER: Susanne Utzt     DIRECTOR: Christian Twente, Michael Löseke     CAMERA: Martin Christ, Torbjörn Karvang EDITOR: Ramin Sabeti     MUSIC: Paul Rabiger     COMMISSIONING EDITOR: Stefan Brauburger (ZDF), Georg Graffe (ZDF), Anja Greulich (ZDF)