

The History of the Southwest

Episode 5: How we became manufacturers and workers

In the 19th century, the industrial revolution reached southwest Germany. But not everyone was ready for the new age. To keep up with developments, money had to be invested in technology, as well as in education and research. This was the era of the “Swabian inventors”. But would such rapid progress benefit the people? The industrial revolution presented the southwest with new challenges.


WRITER: Dorothea Nölle   DIRECTOR Saskia Weisheit, Robert Wiezore   PRESENTER: Lena Ganschow   CAMERA: Roland Breitschuh, Torbjörn Karvang   SET DESIGN: Eva Bertlings, Jörg Fahnenbruck, Utta Hagen  COSTUME DESIGN: Martina Schall, Anna Schmidbauer   EDITOR: Claudia Spoden   MUSIC: Markus Lehmann-Horn  PRODUCER: Daniel Sich   COMMISSIONING EDITOR: Imogen Nabel, Gerolf Karwath